I had a lot of leftover vegetables in my fridge -- I wanted to use them before they went bad. Since we ate this with some asian-themed tuna salad I figured I'd add some ginger and coconut milk. This turned out really well. The cauliflower ended up giving the whole thing a texture of really good fried rice because when you chop it in the food processor it gets to be about that size, but with a much lighter, less gummy consistency than rice that has sat too long in a liquid, which always seems to happen with fried rice / curries.
Head of cauliflower
2 large carrots
1 zucchini
1 red pepper
1/2 red onion
4 Tb garlic-ginger paste
1 can light coconut milk
Garlic-ginger paste:
Take equal amounts of garlic and ginger, and put it in a food processor. Turn on the food processor to puree the garlic and ginger. While the food processor is on and once the garlic and ginger are pureed, slowly add olive oil until it becomes a paste and sticks together. I froze ~3-4Tb increments of this and just take it out when I want to use it, because it's annoying to make every time and I think it is a little easier if you have more stuff in the food processor. I originally made this last week for the butter chicken.
Heat oil in a wok or a large saute pan. Put the cauliflower and the carrots into a food processor and pulse until they are chopped up. Add them to the wok and let them cook/stir them around for a few minutes until the carrots start to soften.
Meanwhile, using the slicer attachment to the food processor, slice the zucchini, red pepper and red onion. Add these to the wok when ready and stir around, cooking until the onions look soft (I don't really know how long it was, I just cooked them until they looked kinda done and it tasted ok). Add the garlic-ginger paste and the coconut milk as well as a generous amount of sriracha (there was a lot of sriracha--I thought it was going to be too hot but I think the coconut mitigates a lot of the heat). Stir and serve.
I think I need you to come over to my apt and give a food processor class.