Monday, November 4, 2013

Chicken Stroganoff

This wasn't bad -- definitely tasted like chicken stroganoff, albeit a little bit more liquidy than if I used sour cream.  The chicken was fairly tender but next time I think I'd stick with beef.  This recipe also makes a LOT.  I've eaten it for dinner twice, then A and I both had some for lunch, and I still have about a third of it left.

6 boneless chicken breasts (I had 4.5 really big ones so I just used that), whole
1 can Amy's cream of mushroom soup
16 oz whole milk plain yogurt
1 onion, chopped into big pieces
2 chicken bouillon cubes or packets
2 cloves garlic, smashed
16 oz baby bella/crimini mushrooms
1/2 cup white wine
Salt and pepper

Put chicken breasts in the crock pot.  Mix everythign else together in a bowl and pour it over the chicken.  Mix it around to make sure the chicken gets coated.  Cook all day.  The chicken pretty much broke up when I spooned it out so I just mixed it up when it was done cooking to make sure it all broke apart.

I served it over some mini potatoes that I cooked in the pressure cooker (<5 min!).  It was one of those things that seemed to get better after sitting in the fridge for a day or so.

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